Friday, August 19, 2011

Outside of class. . . this is the inside!

This is my classroom.  This picture has been updated ever since, and I have some added items which I will show in a little bit.  The important thing is that my rules are up, as are the various ways that students should raise their hands. :) Important interrogatives only!

Here we have the Icons of Depth and Complexity (SOO excited to use them!).  I intend to use them for all my classes.  I want them to see connections, big pictures, patterns, relationships . . . all of it.  I think that music and art are just as important as the other academic disciplines, and I can facilitate this kind of thinking in my classes.  (Health, weather, climate, music appreciation, and art. And of course, after school violin!)  I've also got "When I want your attention" and three different ways for the students to raise their hands.  Calendars, grades, schedules. . . . . Did I mention rules, rewards, and disciplinary action?

The back room consists of composers, (all my dead friends, thanks Joe) and musical notation.  Then I also have concepts of each subject I am teaching.  The school also promotes virtues, such as "Responsibility", and I have them posted all over my classroom in a different color. And of course, the students have to turn their assignments in with the appropriate heading, as posted on the lower right hand corner.

Here is my student work board. Not enough paper, but I definitely want those spaces to be covered with student work anyway.

Situated in Aula 202, I get thesegreat views. However, it gets hot, say after about NOON.

But, no matter how hot it is, homemade soups like this CAZUELA are
probably one of the best lunches ever.
¡Que Sabroso! Adiós, mi Aula 202.
Te veo el lunes. ¡¡Casi estoy lista para el primer día de clases!!

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