Tuesday, January 3, 2012

After Nicaragua, back to D'Olancho!

I'm back in Juticalpa, Honduras. To celebrate this relaxing day and return home, I cooked up some frijoles rojos with a bunch of D'Olancho and also prepared an ensalada with lechuga, tomates, vinagre, sal, pimiento, and aceite de oliva. I also bought some decent tortillas de maiz. I still need to find a person to buy good corn tortillas from!

La Michele, Lindsay Michel, Cristobel, Elaine, Sariel, Kenny, Abuela Consuelo, y Freddy.

For the last days of 2011 and the first of 2012, I was in Nicaragua. I had a blast. It was my primera navidad outside of the United States. . . and not with my immediate family. I celebrated with my Nica family: Abuela Consuelo, Aquiles, Zadyr, My Tio Ricardo from Florida, and finally from my dad's family Tio Carlos O. and Tia Jenny O. with their hijas and nieto.  That's not it, though. Zadyr has a wonderful girlfriend Sandi Bel. Among the two, they have 5 wonderful children. And even more, the maid of my Abuela, Maria celebrated with us too. She has the cutest little boy ever, Freddy. I am in love with him! So is everybody else. He's such a wonderful baby.

Maria y Freddy

 Relleno, Pollo, and Ensalada

These pictures are only some of the comida I ate.  I ate tons of gallo pinto, sopa, mariscos (pescado) y relleno. Aquiles and Zadyr took me to Mercado Oriental to buy some soup one day, another day, they made me sopa de pescado. What else? I ate some yummy salads in Montelimar, San Juan del Sur, and Managua. And, delicioso pollo in Catarina. I also rode this lovely caballo in Catarina. The path overlooks Laguna de Apoyo. I like this picture because it gives me some ideas for my new novela that will entertain my mind while I've nothing else to do. When I'm not watching Teresa, I suppose!

In San Juan del Sur, my family and I ate, and then I stayed after they left. I really just needed to relax, and this was a perfect opportunity. This beach is beautiful, and of course full of tourists. I didn't really talk to anyone because I was just soaking in the beauty and wrote a lot, went to bed, and went back to Managua dark and early on the bus.

Izquierda: Michelita, Aquiles, y Sandi Bel. 
I don't know if you can see, but Aquiles and I are joined at the hip. At least, we were for this trip. It was really nice to get a tour from Viajes Aquilitos, como siempre.  

Derecha: Zadyr and Sandi Bel. They're really cute, and Sandi is such a warm being. I'm also really happy that she loves to bailar! I love dancing!

I had such an amazing time. No tengo suficiente palabras to describe how much I love going to Nicaragua to spend time with my family and get to know my country. There is so much more that I did and have done, and I'm happy to share it! I can't wait to go again!